Open Face Sandwich with Matured Goat Cheese and Norwegian-Style Pesto
In Norway, a slice of bread is a blank canvas. The problem is that people tend to forget how many colors you can actually combine - with a delicious result.
List of ingredients
Bread, sliced
White, matured goat cheese, thinly sliced
Heather honey
4 tbs. ramson, coarsely chopped (or 4 cloves garlic, chopped, and 4 tbs. chopped chives)
2 tbs. hazel nuts, coarsely chopped
1 tbs. pultost (or 2 tbs. gated parmesan cheese and 1 tbs. heavy cream)
Additional hazel nuts for garnishing
Grill the pieces of bread in a grill pan. When golden, remove from the pan and cover with thin slices of cheese, pesto, and honey. Garnish with additional hazelnuts (optional).