Lingonberry Porridge



Number of servings

Serves 4

List of ingredients

1 tsp Vanilla sugar

⅓ cup sugar

⅓ cup Cream of wheat

1 cup Lingonberry puree

½ cup Milk

2 cups Water

Pinch Salt


  • Firstly, add the water and milk to a saucepan and bring to the boil.

  • Next, add the lingonberry puree and the cream of wheat. Then add the sugar, vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt.

  • Stir the ingredients and leave to simmer for 6-8 minutes. Then put the saucepan to one side and let the porridge cool down. When it is cold, start whipping it. This will give the porridge a fluffy texture.

  • Serve in a glass. Firstly, spoon in the whipped lingonberry porridge, then pour over Wild Berry Kiesel and top with Granola.


Porridge of Rye, Oat and Millet, with Fresh Berries, Honey and Whipped Cream