Potato Salad with Ramson Purée
Fresh new potatoes for a summer’s treat.
New potatoes
Ramson purée (check out separate recipe)
Malt vinegar, or white wine vinegar
Ramson oil, if you can find it
When potatoes are new and freshly dug up, you do not need to peel them. It is enough just to wash them in cold water before placing them in a pot of water barely covering the potatoes.
Ramson Purée, see separate recipe.
Do like this:
Bring salted water to a boil (approximately 25 grams per litre), and add the new potatoes. Add stalks of dill when the water is boiling. Then leave the potatoes to simmer with the lid on the pot for 6-7 minutes. Pour off the water and place the potatoes in a serving dish. Prick the potatoes with a fork. This will let the flavors from the Ramson purée penetrate into the potatoes.
If you use large potatoes it is advisable to divide them into smaller pieces before boiling. Serve the potato salad to meat or fish.