Hay-flamed Salmon and Cured Salmon with White Bean Hot Pot
To make cured salmon, put sea salt and add half of the hay in a cooking tray and set fire to it with a torch.
Number of servings
Serves: 4
List of ingredients
Salmon 400g /15oz (half belly and back loin)
Fish stock 200ml/1cup
240g/8oz (soacked) White beans
80ml/ ⅓ cup Cream
50g/2oz Butter
30g/1oz Celery
60g/2oz Carrot
1 clove Garlic
200g/7oz Hay
100g/3 ½oz Salt
50ml/ 2/10 cup Vodka
To make cured salmon, put sea salt and add half of the hay in a cooking tray and set fire to it with a torch. Make sure all the hay is burnt before mixing the ashes with the salt and cover the back loin with it.
Drizzle vodka and top and let rest in the fridge for 30 min.
Start making the hay-flamed salmon: In another cooking tray, put the belly part and cover it with the rest of the hay. Set fire to the hay and cover the tray when the hay is almost burnt out. Let it rest for 20 min.
Finely chop celery, carrots, and garlic (keep a small piece of carrot aside).
Heat up a fryingpan with butter and gently sweat the veg, add the beans and fish stock.
Turn off the heat and add cream to the broth.
Brush flamed salmon, rince the gravlax and let it dry.
Cut the flamed salmon into cubes and the gravlax into thin slices. Top off the dish with some grated raw carrot and a pinch of sea salt.