Steamed Limfjord Mussels with Local Beer and Parsley



Number of servings

Serves 6

List of ingredients

2 kg Limfjord mussels

3 shallots

2 cloves of garlic

1 leek (just the white part)

½ bunch of thyme

1 dl cider

3 dl beer

1dl whipping cream

½ bunch parsley



  • Clean the mussels and check that they are alive: If they are open, lightly tap them against the tabletop. If they close they are alive, but if they stay open they are dead and should be tossed out.

  • Peel the onion and garlic and clean the leek. Slice the vegetables finely and put them in a pot with a little butter.

  • Saute them with thyme but not too long or the vegetables lose their color. Add the mussels and stir well.

  • Add the cider and beer, put a lid on the pot and let the mussels steam for 4-5 minutes until they open. Those that don’t open must also be tossed out.

  • Strain off the mussel broth and boil it with cream (about 5 minutes). Put the mussels aside in the pot with the lid on.

  • Chop the parsley coarsely, add the mussel bouillon and season to taste with salt, pepper and if you like a little fresh beer. Pour the bouillon over the mussels and serve them with fresh whole-grained bread.


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