Lemon-Marinated Sterling White Halibut



Number of servings

Serves 4


1 tbs. butter

White pepper

1 ½ tsp. cooking oil

3 tbs. caper berries

Caramelized capers

Fresh dill

8 slices serrano ham

8 green asparagus


1 ½ tsp. sugar

1 lemon, juice and zest

½ cup cold-pressed rapeseed or canola oil (preferably garlic flavored)

1 lb. fresh sterling white halibut


  • Slice the sterling white halibut thinly and arrange on a large serving dish. Mix the rapeseed oil with the juice and zest of one lemon, then season with salt and pepper.

  • Pour it over the fish, and make sure the fish is completely covered with the marinade. Put to one side and leave to rest.

  • Roll one slice of ham around each of the asparaguses and put on a plate. Drizzle with oil and season with salt and pepper.

  • Grill for a couple of minutes on each side on a high heat. The ham should be crispy and the asparagus golden in color.

  • Mix the butter, the oil, and the sugar in a small saucepan. Heat and let the mixture melt together. Add the caper berries and brown for a couple of minutes. Set to one side and allow to cool.

  • Serve with the asparagus placed on top. Pour over the caramelized capers and garnish with fresh dill.


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