Herring Salad
The flag that was used during the Union between Norway and Sweden was called the herring salad. Here I have made a herring salad that looks like the Union flag. Obviously you do not need to arrange your raw produce in this way, but it is one entertaining way of serving a herring salad like this.
Number of servings
Serves 4
List of ingredients
2 soused herring fillets, finely chopped
1 turnip, finely chopped
1 apple, finely chopped
3 tbs. celeriac, finely chopped
½ cup (1 ½ dl) sour cream
2 hardboiled egg yolks, finely chopped
½ onion, finely chopped
1 beetroot, boiled and finely chopped
2 potatoes (blue Congo), boiled and finely chopped
1 tsp. strong mustard
1 tsp. mustard seeds, crushed
2 tbs. rapeseed oil
1 tsp. apple sider vinegar
Mix together the turnip, celeriac, apple, soused herring and sour cream.
Mix together the onion, egg yolks, mustard and crushed mustard seeds.
Mix together the beetroot, rapeseed oil and apple cider vinegar.
Mix together the potatoes and rapeseed oil.
Arrange the herring salad. Try to copy the pattern on the Swedish/Norwegian flag, or a national flag of your own choice.