Venison Fillet Terrine with Herb Butter

If you are lucky enough to get hold of venison fillet there is very little you need to do with it, here alternate layers of fillet and herb butter constitute a kind of terrine, although different in origin,  somewhat reminiscent of foie gras. Can al…

If you are lucky enough to get hold of venison fillet there is very little you need to do with it, here alternate layers of fillet and herb butter constitute a kind of terrine, although different in origin, somewhat reminiscent of foie gras. Can also be made with beef fillet.


Number of servings

Serves 8

List of ingredients

½ pound (225 grams) venison fillet

¼ pound (100-120 grams) butter, soft

1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley

1 clove garlic, finely chopped

½ teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon pepper

Toast, crispy and thinly sliced


  • Make herb butter: In a bowl, combine soft butter, parsley, garlic, salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly.

  • Place on cling film and roll neatly into a firm roll. To simplify slicing, place in the freezer for 30 minutes, along with the venison filet. (Which will need to be half-frozen and firm to be sliced.)

  • On the kitchen table, next to your cutting board, spread out another layer of cling film. Cut the half frozen venison filet in paper-thin slices.

  • Arrange on cling film, creating a thin layer of meat. Slice the herb butter using a mandolin or a sharp knife. Arrange a thin layer of herb butter on top of the meat.

  • Holding on to the edge of the cling film, fold the layers together twice (removing the cling film from the meat as you fold it the second time). Leave in the fridge until serving. Just before serving, cut the terrine in 1 by ½ -inch pieces and arrange on toast.


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