Grilled Spareribs with Apple Mustard and split yellow pea purée with rutabaga



Number of servings

Servings: 4


2 fresh ramson leaves (or 2 tbs. ramson purée or lovage)

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

2 red apples

½ rutabaga

Rutabaga crudités with ramsons

2 tbs. brown sugar

2 tbs. coarse grain mustard

3-4 tbs. cider vinegar

6 red apples

Apple mustard

Cider vinegar

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

1 lb. spareribs, lightly salted

1 bouquet garni; thyme, bay leaves and parsley stems wrapped in leek

3 pints water

10 oz. yellow split peas

½ rutabaga (swede), peeled and diced

2 tbs. cider vinegar

1 tbs. coldpressed rapeseed oil


  • In the water, bring the rutabaga, the split peas and the spareribs to the boil with the bouquet garni and skim. Simmer slowly for 1 hour.

  • Take out the meat, season with salt and pepper and allow to cool, covered with plastic wrap to prevent it drying out.

  • Remove the bouquet garni and blend the peas and rutabaga into a rustic mash. Season with salt and pepper and maybe a little cider vinegar.

  • Apple mustard: Wash the apples and quarter them. Steam with the peel and core intact in a covered pot until completely soft. Blend finely and pass through a fine mesh sieve. Season the mash with the cider vinegar, coarse mustard and the brown sugar.

  • Rutabaga Crudités with Ramsons: Peel the rutabaga and slice or grate into thin matchstick-sized pieces. Wash the rutabaga pieces and drain well.

  • Peel the apples, quarter and then remove the core. Chop into smaller pieces and blend or pound together with a mortal and pestle with the ramsons and the rapeseed oil. Adjust the consistency and taste with the cider vinegar and season with salt and pepper.

  • Mix the rutabaga with the dressing and season to taste again.

  • Just before serving, rub the spareribs with the apple mustard and grill them quick and hard over charcoal or in a grill pan, one minute on each side. Serve the spareribs in smaller pieces with the warm pea purée and the rutabaga crudités.


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