Cheesecake with Sour Cream, Cloudberries and Spruce Sprigs

Cheesecake with sour cream tastes better than if you just use cream cheese, flavored with spruce sprigs, a hint of the forest.

Cheesecake with sour cream tastes better than if you just use cream cheese, flavored with spruce sprigs, a hint of the forest.


Number of servings

Servings: Enough for about a 10 inches, 25 cm springform pan.

List of ingredients

2 cups, 500 g. cream cheese

3 cups, 750 g. sour cream

Juice and peel from 1 lemon

1 cup, 200 g. sugar

1 tbs. heather honey

½ cup, 1dl. water

2 sheets of gelatine

3 ¾ ounces, 100 g. butter

12 – 15 sweet oat biscuits

3 tsp. finely chopped spruce sprigs


  • Melt the butter over low heat and allow it to simmer until it turns light brown. Crush the biscuits with your fingers and mix in the butter. Add the spruce sprigs and mix well. Press the biscuit mixture evenly over the bottom of a 25 cm springform pan.

  • Lay the gelatine to soak in a dish of cold water for a few minutes. Place the sugar, honey, water and lemon peel in a saucepan, bring to the boil and stir until the sugar has dissolved. Add the gelatine and stir until it has completely dissolved.

  • Place the cheese and sour cream in a bowl and stir until the mixture is smooth. Add the syrup and mix well. Pour the cheese mixture into the springform pan, cover and store in a cold place overnight.

  • Serve with a topping of cloudberries.


Barley Cream with Blackcurrant Sauce


Bread Pudding with Wild Raspberries and Mountain Berries