Cardamom Ice Cream

This is a very good recipe for a warm summer’s day.

This is a very good recipe for a warm summer’s day.


Serves four to six people

2 cups, 5 dl whole fat milk

1 ½ cups, 3 ½ dl full fat cream

1-2 tablespoons ground cardamom

6 egg yolks

1 cup, 2 ½ dl sugar

¼ cup, ½ dl brown sugar

Dessert bowls


Do like this:

Bring milk, cream, sugar and spices almost to a boil.

Whisk the egg yolks lightly, in a mixing bowl. Blend in the hot milk and sugar mixture while whisking vigorously.

Cool the mixture.

Pour everything into a ice cream maker, and press start.

Alternatively, put the whole bowl into the freezer and whisk it for one minute every 10 minutes, until it gets the right ice cream texture.

Serve in ice cream cones, or in desert bowls.

Decorate with chocolate chips.


Honey Ice Cream with Honey Crumble and Heather Honey