Spring Chicken Cooked in Milk
Spring chickens are very flavorful, and milk brings out the mild and sweet flavors in the chicken meat. The meat also becomes very juicy when cooked in milk.
Number of servings
Serves 4
List of ingredients
4 spring chickens, 1 lb. each (450 grams)
½ gallon (2 liters) whole milk
1 ½ lb. (700 grams) new potatoes
1 lb. (450 grams) turnips, quartered
½ lb. (200 grams) radishes
2 tsp. dried estragon 2 tsp. dried thyme
2 tsp. dried rosemary
4 sprigs of fresh lovage
4 sprigs of fresh ramson
4 sprigs of fresh parsley
4 sprigs of thyme
4 sprigs of oregano
Just under ½ cup (100 grams) melted butter
4 tsp. salt
2 tsp. pepper
Bind the fresh herbs into a bouquet. Place the chickens in a pot, and add the milk. Add the dried spices, the bouquet of fresh herbs and salt and pepper. Warm up the milk and the chicken, but make sure the milk does not burn. The milk should have a temperature of around 190 Fahrenheit (90 Celsius). Let the chicken simmer for 15 minutes, or until it has a core temperature of around 120 Fahrenheit (50 Celsius).
Preheat the oven to 460 Fahrenheit (230 Celsius).
Remove the chicken from the milk with a peg when the chicken has a core temperature of around 120 Fahrenheit (50 Celsius). Stuff the bouquet of herbs into the chicken, and tie the legs together. Glaze the chicken with melted butter, and bake on an oven rack in the middle of the oven for around 15 minutes. Place an ovenproof dish under the rack to collect the juices from the chickens.
Boil the new potatoes for approximately 10 minutes, add the turnips and boil them with the potatoes for another 5 minutes. When they are done, drain the pot and serve them in a large bowl. Mix in radishes and finely chopped lovage, and add salt and pepper to taste.